Are you suffering from knee pain or do you have arthritis because of which you’re suffering from knee pain? We have Powerful Yoga for knee pain.
So first let’s understand the reasons for the knee pain
- Age
- Obesity
- Sprained or strained ligaments,
- Cartilage tears,
- Tendonitis
- Arthritis.
Fluid between knee and bones starts getting reduced, rubbing between the bones results in osteoarthritis which would the cause of knee pain or this might the be symptom osteoarthritis so this could be avoided by doing strengthening exercises in the inclusive stages to stop from major knees pain, we have suggested some workouts which would be very beneficial if you include fruits which are rich in vitamin C like Pineapple, Orange, Avocado and Guava this will reduce inflammation in the body.
Meet the doctor if you’re facing the below issues:
- If you are not able to flex or extend your knees
- Abnormality in your knee or your leg
- You had an injury and severe pain
- Swelling of knee
- If you start feeling unbearable pain in your knee
- If you see redness
- crunching noises
There are few types of arthritis, the one which affects your knees
- Osteoarthritis
- Pseudogout
- Gout
- Septic arthritis;
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Most arthritic patients are being benefited from yoga exercises, major benefits are decreased pain, improved mobility, reduced joint pain, improved joint function and flexibility, lowered stress, and help in better sleep.
The best exercises of Yoga for knee pain
Uttanasana Standing Forward Bend With Ankles Crossed

It provides hip flexibility, relieves stiffness and improves posture and calms your mind, eases symptoms of asthma headache, improves digestion, helps you in high blood pressure, triggers abdominal muscles. These are a few benefits of Uttanasana. Once you start practicing these exercises regularly you will feel changes in your body, which will eventually help you get rid of your physical and mental problems and changes will be noticeable.
Steps to do Uttanasana
- Stand straight keep your feet at a 1-inch distance place your hands on your hip bone
- Start bending forward from your hip joints and maintain a flat back now move your hands and keep them on your knees,
- Keep lengthening through the front of the body to make sure your feet are not moving.
- Hold on to this position for 20 to 30 seconds and Then slowly come up and keep repeating these exercises at your comfort level.
Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III With a Bent Standing Leg)

The Virabhadrasana helps you build an active pose, strengthens the ankles, and tones your abdomen muscles. The mentioned poses help you improve balance and coordination, provide stability to your body, and help you in concentration by giving you room for clear thinking.
Steps to do Virabhadrasana
- Start by standing in prayer position hands close to your chest
- Take a deep breath raise your hands over your head
- Exhale and bend your upper body gradually lift your left leg make in a 45 degree
- Try to balance it on one leg, take 4 to 5 deep breaths while balancing on one leg.
- Then slowly come back to a standing position try this on your left leg
Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)

Upavistha Konasana increases flexibility in the arms, neck, and shoulders provides a good stretch to the spine, helps you fight most spine-related problems, and also increases energy. It’s also good for Arthritis.
Steps to do Upavistha Konasana
- Sit on the floor and start from cross legs positions
- Move your legs straight apart keep your spine straight
- Keep your hands behind your back to Lengthen your spine
- Keep your spine in the same manner now place your palms in front of you.
- Start bending from your hip by slightly tilting your pelvis
- Move your hands and fold your elbows and bring them close to the ground.
- According to comfort level, start bending down.
Remember one thing: everyone has different bodies. It’s not important to complete the stretch or force yourself to complete the exercises at your starting stage. You will gradually find flexibility in your body. Slowly you increase the stretch.
If you feel you’re getting enough stretch on your hamstring and hip that would be sufficient
If you can stretch more and then widen your legs on the opposite sides then stretch your hands completely in front of you. Place your head on the ground, and raise your head with your chin touching the floor.
Stay in this pose according to your comfort level and breathe normally.
To come out of the pose slowly lift your chest and walk your palms on the floor.
If you have any injuries in your hip or lower back avoid this exercise, in case you have a Herniated disk consult the doctor before performing this asana
High Lunge With Arms Extended Forward.
The benefits of High Lunge with Arms Extended Forward are: Lengthens the spine and increases stamina, gives good stretches to your legs, especially thighs and Stimulates abdominals muscles.
Steps to High Lunge With Arms Extended Forward
- Start by standing straight
- Push your left leg back as much as your comfortable
- Place your hands on your waist and make sure there are in a square form
- Face forward and the knee is in front of your ankle
- Raise your arms and relax your shoulders if you want to feel more stretch then push your left leg back according to your comfort level or until you feel the stretch.
- Once you’re done with one leg then switch to your other leg.
If you suffering from a chronic injury to the legs or hip must avoid this pose
If you have high blood pressure please don’t do this pose or do it with a doctor consultation.
Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)

Anjaneyasana is very similar to High Lunge, anjaneyasana or low lunge helps in improving the digestive and reproductive system, increases blood circulation, attains better focus, and provides amazing stretching to the muscles of your hips and abdomen.
Steps to do low lunge;
- Stand straight, stretch your right leg in front of you
- Stretch your leg according to your comfort level keep your left leg heel up
- Make sure your knee and your ankle are in one line
- Slowly push your left leg back again according to your comfort level
- To feel more intense you can bend your left leg and place it on ground
- Place your hands on your waist and slowly push forward
- Raise your hands in a straight form and push your chest forward
- Make sure your spine is in lengthening format once you’re done, switch your leg, and perform the same exercise.
If you suffering from a chronic injury to the legs or hip must avoid this pose
If you have high blood pressure please don’t do this pose or do it with a doctor consultation.
Knee pain is common for most adults. If you can start practicing the above-mentioned exercises you will be able to overcome knee pain. Remember this will not happen overnight you have to continuously work on your exercises, since yoga has proven to be very beneficial to our bodies as per the research. But in case your feeling hurts then it’s time you change your exercises.
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