9 Proven Health Benefits of Makhana (Fox Nuts)

roasted makhana

Makhana, also referred to as foxnuts or lotus seeds, are a super healthy snack that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. When combined with nutrient-rich milk, makhana offers a wealth of health benefits.

roasted makhana

An Introduction to Makhana

Makhana is a flowering plant that grows in the shallow waters of lakes and ponds in India and eastern Asia. The seeds, which are known as foxnuts or gorgon nuts, are harvested and consumed as a snack and used as an ingredient in cooking.

Sometimes called lotus seeds, makhana seeds are round, puffy, cream-white kernels with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 cm. They have a crispy texture and a mildly sweet, nutty flavor.

Makhana is rich in protein, dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. It’s gluten-free and low in fat, sodium, and calories. Due to its stellar nutritional profile, makhana is considered a superfood in Ayurveda.

Nutritional Profile of Makhana and Milk

Here is the nutritional breakdown of makhana and milk per 100 grams:

 Calories: 42Calories: 358
 Carbs: 4.8g Carbs: 76g
 Protein: 3.2g Protein: 9.7g
 Fat: 3.3g Fiber: 5.3g
 Calcium: 125mgFat: 0.4g
Potassium: 152mg Calcium: 83mg
 Vitamin B12: 0.9mcg Magnesium: 176mg
Phosphorus: 93mgPhosphorus: 288mg
Riboflavin: 0.2mgIron: 6.9mg
Nutritional benefits of Makhana

When combined, makhana and milk provide a powerful dose of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. It makes them a wholesome, nutritious food combination.

Health Benefits of Eating Makhana with Milk

Here are some of the many health benefits you can obtain by consuming makhana with milk regularly:

1. Improves Digestion

Makhana is an excellent source of fiber, containing both soluble and insoluble varieties. Soluble fiber helps regulate bowel movements and relieves constipation by absorbing water and adding bulk to stools.

Insoluble fiber acts as a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria in your gut microbiome. This helps maintain optimal digestive health.

Milk also aids Digestion as it contains lactic acid, which promotes gut health. The calcium and potassium in milk can help relieve stomach acidity as well.

By improving digestion and gut microbiome balance, the makhana and milk combo alleviates gastrointestinal issues like bloating, gas, acidity, and constipation.

2. Manages Weight

Makhana is low in calories, high in protein, and packed with fiber – a combination that makes you feel satiated after eating. It helps reduce appetite and prevents overeating.

The fiber slows down Digestion, meaning makhana takes longer to digest, keeping you fuller for longer. It is beneficial for weight management.

Milk is high in calcium, which aids fat burning and may also discourage the production of fat cells. The protein in milk helps preserve and build lean muscle mass, further supporting weight maintenance. Together, makhana and milk make an excellent snack for those looking to lose or manage their Weight healthily.

3. Boosts Heart Health

The magnesium in makhana helps regulate blood pressure levels. The potassium relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow, lowering stress on the cardiovascular system.

Milk contains a specific type of fat known as conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, which benefits heart health by lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, and plaque buildup in the arteries.

The combination of makhana and milk can improve several heart health markers, making it cardio protective and ideal for those at risk of heart disease.

4. Boosts Fertility

Makhana is rich in magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, and antioxidant compounds – all of which can help enhance fertility health in both men and women.

It improves sperm quality and counts in men. In women, it alleviates PCOS symptoms and regulates menstrual cycles. Milk aids Fertility as well due to its high content of calcium and vitamin D. Together, makhana and milk optimize hormone levels and reproductive health.

5. Strengthens Bones

Makhana contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and protein – key nutrients for building strong bones and teeth. Fox nuts help improve bone mineral density.

Milk is obviously an excellent source of bone-strengthening calcium. Consuming makhana and milk promotes good bone health and development and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

6. Boosts Energy Levels

As a starchy snack, makhana provides an instant energy boost that can help beat tiredness and fatigue. Milk is also considered an energy drink that can enhance performance.

Together, makhana and milk make the ideal energizing snack. Have it pre-workout or post-workout for a healthy energy kick to power through your day.

7. Improves Skin Health

Makhana is abundant in antioxidants like flavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic acids that protect against skin cell damage, pigmentation, acne, dullness, and signs of aging like wrinkles.

It contains compounds that shield skin from UV radiation damage. Magnesium and potassium enhance skin hydration and elasticity. Calcium regulates keratinocyte activity and stimulates collagen production for youthful skin. The riboflavin (vitamin B2) in milk boosts elasticity.

Consuming makhana with milk regularly helps you achieve clear, flawless, youthful skin from within.

8. Promotes Hair Growth

Makhana is loaded with biotin, a B vitamin that stimulates hair follicle growth and protein production. It helps boost hair volume and prevent hair fall. It contains antioxidants and minerals that nourish the hair roots, prevent graying, and repair damage caused by free radicals.

Milk proteins like whey and casein also strengthen and condition hair strands and improve elasticity to prevent breakage. The nutrients in the makhana-milk combo make your tresses shiny, voluminous, and strong.

9. Enhances Immunity

Makhana is abundant in antioxidants that neutralize disease-causing free radicals and oxidative stress to boost Immunity. Milk contains immune protective zinc and vitamin A. Together, they provide resistance against infections, illness, and pathogens. Have makhana with warm milk every night to wake up energized and illness-free!

The benefits of eating makhana with milk

Consuming makhana with milk makes for an extremely nutritious snack. The proteins and calcium in milk complements the fiber, magnesium, antioxidants and amino acids in makhana. Together they provide a wholesome source of energy and nutrition. The carbohydrates in makhana paired with proteins and fats in milk help balance blood sugar as well.

The benefits of eating roasted makhana daily

Daily consumption of roasted makhana helps regulate bowel movements and promotes satiety which aids weight loss. Its rich antioxidant content helps flush toxins out and reduce inflammation in the body. Additionally, fox nuts have shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease through lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

The disadvantages of eating makhana

There are no major disadvantages linked to eating makhana. However, anything in excess can lead to weight gain. For people with kidney issues, the potassium and purine content may need regulation. Rarely, some people could be allergic to lotus seeds or experience slight gastrointestinal side effects.

What are the makhana benefits for skin

Makhana is filled with zinc, amino acids, proteins, and antioxidants which promote skin cell regeneration giving skin a youthful glow. It protects skin from sun damage, increases moisture retention reducing wrinkles, fights acne causing bacteria, and improves collagen production making skin firmer.

What are the makhana benefits for male

The antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids in makhana play a vital role in enhancing male fertility and testosterone levels. It improves blood circulation which alleviates erectile dysfunction and boosts stamina. It’s also beneficial for prostate health, musculoskeletal development, energy levels and libido in men.

What are the health benefits of makhana for females

For women, makhana helps regulate estrogen and progesterone hormones providing relief from PMS symptoms like mood swings, headaches and cramps. It aids in conception by improving uterine health. The iron content makes up for mineral loss during menstruation. Further, it promotes bone health and manages symptoms during perimenopause and menopause while also helping with post-pregnancy recovery.

What are the benefits of eating makhana for hair

Rich in biotin, amino acids and antioxidants, makhana improves hair follicle health, increases blood circulation in the scalp, provides nourishment to hair strands making them strong, shiny and lustrous. It also helps prevent premature greying and hair loss.

How to include makhana in your diet

Makhana makes for a great snack when roasted and spiced with salt, pepper and spices. Add it to your regular bowls of fruits, salad, curd or smoothies. You can use it to prepare kheer, pancakes, laddoos, pakodas and biryanis as well. Fox nuts pair well with both sweet and savory items.

Makhana Milk Recipes

Here are a few tasty recipes incorporating makhana and milk you can try:

  • Boil full-fat milk with roasted makhana, sugar or jaggery, cardamom, saffron, and dry fruits to make a delicious kheer. Garnish with slivered pistachios or almonds.
  • Blend roasted makhana, milk, banana, peanut butter, and cocoa powder for a nourishing breakfast smoothie. Sweeten it with honey if needed.
  • Mix roasted makhana, chilled milk, mango puree, honey/sugar, and ice. Blend well and top with grated almonds before serving.
  • Cook oats in milk, then add roasted makhana, sliced almonds, raisins, cinnamon, and maple syrup for a unique breakfast.
  • Lightly roast makhana with ghee, cinnamon, black pepper, and green cardamom. Add to hot milk, mix well, and drink up.
  • Roast makhana with cumin seeds, black pepper, and red chili powder. Mix into thick curd/yogurt with chopped tomatoes, onions, coriander leaves and salt.
  • Make Fhirni pudding with milk, makhana powder, sugar, cardamom powder and saffron. Garnish with slivered nuts.
  • Combine milk, roasted makhana, condensed milk, and vanilla extract. Cook until thickened. Let it set, and then serve chilled.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Makhana is well tolerated when consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet. However, there are a few precautions to keep in mind:

The Takeaway

Makhana paired with milk offers a tasty, convenient way to boost your nutritional intake. This power duo provides a wealth of benefits, including better Digestion, blood sugar control, weight management, heart health, bone strength, energy levels, Immunity, and more.

Consume makhana with milk in moderate portions to enhance your overall well-being. Try out delicious recipes like makhana kheer, smoothies, shakes, oats, and more to include this nutritious combo into your daily diet.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is ideal time to eat Makhana
Makhana, also known as fox nuts, is an excellent snack for those in-between meal cravings or late-night munching. These crunchy bites are low in sodium, cholesterol, and fat while being rich in protein. Moreover, they are gluten-free, which is perfect for individuals allergic to gluten.

2.Can we eat makhana for weight loss?
Yes, makhana is an excellent snack option for weight loss diets. It is low in calories, high in filling fiber, and provides steady energy. Just don’t overdo your portions and avoid pairing them with high-calorie foods.

3. What are the benefits of eating makhana?
 Some of the many health benefits of eating makhana include improved Digestion, blood sugar control, weight loss, heart health, bone strength, increased Fertility, better Immunity, and healthier skin and hair.
4. Is it good to eat makhana every day?
 Yes, eating a small serving of makhana on daily can be very beneficial as part of a healthy, balanced diet. 1-2 ounces or 25-30 grams daily is considered a safe and healthy amount. However, moderation is key.
5. How do you use makhana for weight loss?
 To aid weight loss, eat roasted makhana as a healthy replacement for junk food snacks. You can sprinkle spices on makhana or add them to smoothies, salads, raita, oats, or yogurt. Pairing it with protein helps induce satiety.
6. What are the side effects of eating too much makhana?
 Consuming very high amounts of makhana may lead to digestive upset, bloating, and gas. It’s best to limit intake to 1-2 ounces per day.

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